Feb 10
Men Dont Cum Too Soon – Sex Can Last Longer!
Worried About Premature Ejaculation?
Cure Your Premature Ejaculation The Easy And Natural Way
So, How long does the average man last in bed?
During Sex most men last five to ten minutes before they cum, though on average it is closer to seven minutes. Most men do not want to cum too soon and do want sex to last longer! Now, consider the fact that most women take an average of fifteen minutes to reach an orgasm through vaginal penetration. This means that the vast majority of women are unable to experience the full pleasures of lovemaking.
No wonder men worry about premature ejaculation and seek ways to last longer!
What man does not want to satisfy a woman during sex? Yet having the fear that you might not will actually increase your risk of premature ejaculation.
A lot of men have questions regarding their sexual performance and worrying about it will only make it worse. So seeking reassurance and learning how to prolong sex will greatly improve your ability to please your woman. For many guys, sex is often a short-lived affair (even an embarrassing one) that ends as soon as the heart starts pounding and the adrenalin begins rushing. Yet it does not have to be that way. If you are like many men and worry about premature ejaculation, you really should look at this.
Lloyd Lester’s “Ejaculation By Command“
This brand new book is aimed at teaching you how not cum too soon and how to greatly improve your sexual performance. But does it live up to its hype?
Well lets check it out!
Ejaculations By Commandis available as a PDF and instantly downloaded to your computer, so you do not have to be embarrassed by going in a bookstore! Plus you get SIX bonuses – more about them soon.
Let get back to Ejaculations By Command
The first part goes into the reasons why your sexual experiences are currently short lived. All the fears, myths and reasons that men have been living with for years – the very things that can cause Premature Ejaculation. Break free of these misconceptions and you will find that when you have sex you’ll be able to last longer and perform better.
The second part gets down to the nitty gritty and will teach you all the techniques you need so that you can perform longer, and give your partner an amazing and erotic sexual experiance. She will be begging for more!
The best part about Ejaculation By Command is that everything it teaches you is totally natural and can be done by any man. It does not involve you having to get of expensive pills, creams, lotions or any crazy other alternatives.
So, what are the negatives to Ejaculations By Command?
The only real negative is that this is not an instant cure for your problem. The techniques will take some effort and commitment on your part to permanently beat premature ejaculation – but like all self improvement it will be well worth it in the end?
Wait up – That’s Where The Bonuses Come Into Play – Instant Results You Can Put Into Action Today!
Ok, I mentioned that you get Six Bonuses included with Ejaculations By Command and they really do compliment this course. One of the exclusive bonus books reveals 15 Emergency Tactics that you can put into practice tonight!
What makes this book (and exclusive bonuses) stand out from all the other resources available on Premature Ejaculation? It helps normal men like you improve their sex lives, making sure you do not cum too soon, ensure that sex will lasts longer, AND on top of all that you will now be able to fulfill your partners deepest sexual desires.
If you want to be the kind of superb lover who has the natural ability to hold his ejaculation by command and keep his woman sexually fulfilled all the time, then this book is exactly what you need.
Do not take my word for it…
Learn how you can supercharge your sexual endurance! Click Here